Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Here's what happened to the back of the camper.
We were much happier once we picked up our new set of wheels; a Suzuki Sidekick.
We made sure to invoke the power of the 60's for our peace belt mission.
When we made it to the Canadian border, we were ready with our passports.
After Simon introduced us to Poutine and the farms of Quebec, we finally made it to Montreal.
One of the many cool examples of street art we saw in Montreal.
Showing off the Peace Belt to Simon's grandparents.
After checking out Montreal, we headed north towards the ski town of Val David.
It was very mountainous along the way and felt like we were driving in Vermont.
We tried to get in touch with a dancer in Val David who would wear the Peace Belt. Unfortunately she couldn't but we were treated to a free dance performance.
Simon's aunt was kind enough to put us up for the night in Val David. She was very inspired by the story of the Peace Belt.
The next morning, we headed back to Montreal from Val David. Simon took us up to Mount Royal and showed us the spectacular view of the city.
The Quebec flag on left.
View of Montreal from the top.
That evening we headed to another park with the drum circles.
Hundreds of people were riding the wave of energy the drummers were creating.
This girl found a good place to sit in front of the park's statues.
This was the angel statue at the top of the park's central pillar.
At the base of the statues was a quote very appropriate to the Peace Belt's journey.
After stopping downtown for some food, Simon unwittingly scared a pigeon into a pizza place. Fortunately, Simon was kind hearted enough to help the poor critter out. He cornered and finally got ahold of the frightened bird, walked outside and set him free.
Here's a peace sign garden we found at Simon's other grandparents we met.
The next day, we took the Peace Belt to one of the largest cathedrals in Montreal.
The inside of the cathedral was magnificent.
That night, we traveled to downtown Montreal to attend the free Stevie Wonder concert at the International Jazz Festival. The storm clouds threatened and rained on us a bit, but did nothing to stop Stevie Wonder from performing.
Stevie Wonder's daughter was on hand to show off her amazing voice.
Stevie kept the audience participating in most of his songs.
The concert kept us up and dancing well after midnight.
The next day, we celebrated Canada Day and saw some awesome fireworks.
More pictures to come in part 2 of my photo journal.
Monday, June 29, 2009
After loading up the camper at my parent’s home, Simon, Eli and I left with great expectations of an adventurous trip to Canada - and if the first few hours are any indication of what is ahead, then we are bound to have an exciting trip.
About 45 minutes into the drive en route to Montreal, we experienced a near collision with death. The rear tire on the driver’s side popped causing us to fishtail into the Jersey barrier which divided the two halves of the interstate - It was truly a miracle we had not rolled over (Thank God it had not been the front tire!) After stopping the vehicle and making sure we were each okay, we quickly got out to assess the damage. Adrenaline now surging through our bodies, we found ourselves caught between six lanes of highway, and still within Connecticut borders. Our commute prior to the blowout was serene and gave little warning of the day ahead. A car stopped to ask if we were okay and if there was anything that they could do. “Can you call the police?” was my reply as I reached in my purse for my cell phone to call my father. Within two minutes, a state trooper pulled up, then another. As the third joined them, they began joking at our expense and misfortune.
Then came the rain. It started as a sprinkle which seemed to cool things off a bit. As soon as things became comfortable, the sky seemed to open up. Rain came down in sheets as we retreated to our dilapidated camper.